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Pooja Singh

Kshamtalaya Foundation

Pooja Singh is the co-founder of the Kshamtalaya foundation, which works to build a caring, compassionate, and resilient society. She is a passionate advocate for mental health and well-being and has dedicated her career to strengthening social, emotional, and ethical learning in primary students and teachers.

Pooja Singh is a passionate advocate for mental health and well-being. She is the co-founder of the Kshamtalaya foundation, which works to build a caring, compassionate, and resilient society. Pooja has dedicated her career to strengthening social, emotional, and ethical learning in primary students and teachers. She has completed her Therapeutic Movement Facilitator Level 1 certification from the Creative Movement Therapy Association of India. Pooja designed a curriculum called "Movement and Expression" that integrates elements of well-being into the student curriculum. She implemented this curriculum with children in the Udaipur District. Pooja then connected with the SEE learning community and completed her L1 facilitator course in 2021. This course enabled her to educate educators about SEE learning. Pooja completed her Cognitive Based Compassion Training Instructor course in 2022, which paved the way for her to develop well-being courses and curriculums for teachers. Pooja has participated in numerous panel discussions and discourses on the importance of mental health and well-being in education. She recently completed the L2 facilitator SEE learning course offered by Emory University. Pooja aims to make well-being accessible to all communities, regardless of differences.

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Pooja Singh