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Radha Ruparell

Head, Global Leadership Accelerator
Teach for All

Radha sits on the Board of Directors of the Open Future Institute, hosts a monthly ‘People First‘ talk series with prominent global leaders. She is the author of Brave Now, co-editor of What Leadership We Need Now, and speaks and writes on topics of leadership and well-being.

Radha Ruparell has worked with CEOs, Fortune 500 executives, social entrepreneurs, and grassroots leaders around the world on leadership development and personal transformation. She heads the Global Leadership Accelerator at Teach For All, a growing movement of tens of thousands of teachers and other leaders across 60+ countries, who are committed to a world where all children can fulfill their potential. Radha sits on the Board of Directors of the Open Future Institute, has served on the Nationswell Council, and hosts a monthly People First talk series with prominent global leaders. She is the author of Brave Now, co-editor of What Leadership We Need Now, and speaks and writes on topics of leadership and wellbeing in forums such as Forbes, CEO World, OECD, & Greater Good Science Center. Radha holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School.

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Radha Ruparell