With over 1500 years of combined experience and expertise in education, ICTE 2025 offers an unparalleled opportunity to gain insights into pressing issues and innovations, connect with thought leaders, and explore transformative ideas that promote human and planetary flourishing. Whether you are an educator, policymaker, or practitioner, engage with world-class content, effective strategies, and cutting-edge innovations that simplify and enhance teaching and learning in the 21st century—this is your moment to connect, collaborate, and drive change.
Explore the multiple futures of education with a deep dive into Global Citizenship Education; Social and Emotional Learning; Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies, and Aesthetic Education
Explore endless possibilities in the inspiring company of the world's leading educational leaders.
With 2,500+ Education Leaders witnessing the global conference, ICTE is one of the most influential and impactful educational events of the year.
Learn and earn verifiable micro-credentials at every session you attend. You may apply it towards your professional development hours and add your achievements on LinkedIn at the click of a button.
Over 20 hours of track-focused professional development through unique and engaging session formats.
Experience a curated arena showcasing some of the most impactful ideas and organizations working in the education sector.
Opportunity to receive membership invitation to our latest educational leadership forum community online.
Replay and watch any missed sessions for a full week after the conference—make the most of your learning experience and gain valuable insights!
Deep in the heart of one of the largest and most influential gatherings, thousands of education leaders, policymakers, practitioners, and educators from over 70 countries will come together at ICTE 2025 from November 11-13, 2025, to inspire and be inspired, advancing the discourse and driving actions to transform education for human and planetary flourishing, with contributions showcased across the ICTE online venue, digital platform, and social media.
Bringing together renowned edtech innovators, education leaders, policymakers, practitioners, and educators, and researchers, the ICTE 2025 themed "Transformative Education for Human and Planetary Florishing " reimagines the education space, spotlighting transformative pedagogoes and technologies, tools, and practices while fostering collaboration and dialogue to address pressing global challenges and reshape the future of learning.
Education leaders, Policymakers, Researchers, Academics, Entrepreneurs, K-12 Educators, Civil Society Organizations, International Non-Governmental Organizations, Teacher Education Institutes
Hour-long sessions focus on the introduction of a new book, giving the author and audience a chance to explore the themes or motifs present in their book. These are a great way for authors to showcase their latest titles to a diverse audience.
Catalytic Keynote Sessions bring together some of the biggest and brightest names in the field of transformative education. Catalytic Keynote Speakers present a snapshot of the most transformative ideas shaping the many futures of education.
Looking for wit-expanding presentations by educational leaders, practitioners, and domain experts? The learning sessions are carefully curated learning experiences to contribute to the professional growth and development of participants.
Panel Discussions feature between three and four education professionals sharing different perspectives and opinions based on a specific topic, making for a lively parley bringing forth some of the best and brightest ideas, insights, and experiences in the field of transformative education.
A power-packed 60-minute conference debate between four education leaders on an Avant-Garde topic.
Keynotes are powerful presentations by some of the world’s inspiring thinkers and visionaries in the field of transformative education. Keynotes set the stage for the International Conference on Transformative Education
Speed Networking offers a one-on-one exchange between participants. There will be four one-on-one meetings lasting 11 minutes each.
Take a seat, virtually! Lounge Meetups are a more relaxed way to connect, seek out inspiration, and find collaboration opportunities across a wide range of regions, interests, and groups.
Breakout sessions include a deep dive into transformative education research through Poster Presentations on cutting-edge research topics such as GCED, SEL, Transformative Pedagogies and Aesthetics Education
The Youth Speak session offers a power-packed and concise thirty-minute presentation by a young individual, articulating their perspective as an active and critical stakeholder in GCED, SEL, Transformative Pedagogies ,and Aesthetic Education.