International Conference on Transformative Education for Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development 2022

Join thousands of education stakeholders from 70+ countries at one of the largest, most unique, diverse, vibrant, and influential global conferences to transform education for human flourishing! ICTE 2022 will take place online on May 18-20, 2022.

Countdown Timer
Featured Speakers


Event Date

May 18, 2022

Start time
End Date

May 20, 2022

END time



International Conference on Transformative Education for Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development 2022

Join thousands of education stakeholders from 70+ countries at one of the largest, most unique, diverse, vibrant, and influential global conferences to transform education for human flourishing! ICTE 2022 will take place online on May 18-20, 2022.

Event Date

May 18, 2022

Start time
End Date

May 20, 2022

END time





Why Attend the ICTE 2022 Global Conference?

With over 800 combined years of knowledge, experience, expertise, and leadership in education, the conference offers an unparalleled learning and networking opportunity with some of the world's leading education leaders.

Multi-Track Event

Multi-Track Event

Explore the multiple futures of education with a deep dive into Global Citizenship Education; Social and Emotional Learning; Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies.

1,000+ Domain Experts and Practitioners

1,000+ Domain Experts and Practitioners

Explore endless possibilities in the inspiring company of the world's leading educational leaders.

2,500+ Education Leaders

2,500+ Education Leaders

With 2,500+ Education Leaders witnessing the global conference, ICTE is one of the most influential and impactful educational events of the year.

Verifiable Credentials

Verifiable Credentials

Learn and earn verifiable micro-credentials at every session you attend. You may apply it towards your professional development hours and add your achievements on LinkedIn at the click of a button.

Professional Development

Professional Development

Over 20 hours of track-focused professional development through unique and engaging session formats.

Showcase Arena

Showcase Arena

Experience a curated arena showcasing some of the most impactful ideas and organizations working in the education sector.

Online Community Membership

Online Community Membership

Opportunity to receive membership invitation to our latest educational leadership forum community online.

Session Library

Session Library

Replay and watch any missed sessions for a full week after the conference—make the most of your learning experience and gain valuable insights!



Intro Video

Transform education for human flourishing

Deep in the heart of one of the largest and most influential gatherings, thousands of education leaders, policymakers, practitioners, and educators from more than 70 countries are ready to put on their virtual hats to inspire and be inspired this May 18-20, 2022.

Join us as we advance the discourse and inspire actions to transform education for human flourishing. ICTE 2022, this year celebrates the theme "Transformative Education for Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development". Contributions from our global community will be showcased on the ICTE digital platform and on social media.

Get your Conference Access Pass now!

Who Should Attend

Education leaders, Policymakers, Researchers, Academics, Entrepreneurs, K-12 Educators, Civil Society Organizations, International Non-Governmental Organizations, Teacher Education Institutes


Key Conference Tracks

Global Citizenship Education

Global Citizenship Education

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

Social and Emotional Learning

Social and Emotional Learning

Session Format

Book Reading

Book Reading

Hour-long sessions focus on the introduction of a new book, giving the author and audience a chance to explore the themes or motifs present in their book. These are a great way for authors to showcase their latest titles to a diverse audience.

Catalytic Keynote

Catalytic Keynote

Catalytic Keynote Sessions bring together some of the biggest and brightest names in the field of transformative education. Catalytic Keynote Speakers present a snapshot of the most transformative ideas shaping the many futures of education.

Learning Sessions

Learning Sessions

Looking for wit-expanding presentations by educational leaders, practitioners, and domain experts? The learning sessions are carefully curated learning experiences to contribute to the professional growth and development of participants. 

Panel Discussions

Panel Discussions

Panel Discussions feature between three and four education professionals sharing different perspectives and opinions based on a specific topic, making for a lively parley bringing forth some of the best and brightest ideas, insights, and experiences in the field of transformative education.

Global Debates

Global Debates

A power-packed 60-minute conference debate between four education leaders on an Avant-Garde topic.

Breakout Sessions

Breakout Sessions

Breakout sessions include a deep dive into transformative education research through Poster Presentations on cutting-edge research topics such as GCED, SEL, and transformative pedagogies.



Keynotes are powerful presentations by some of the world’s inspiring thinkers and visionaries in the field of transformative education. Keynotes set the stage for the International Conference on Transformative Education

Speed Networking

Speed Networking

Speed Networking offers a one-on-one exchange between participants. There will be four one-on-one meetings lasting 11 minutes each.

Lounge Meetups

Lounge Meetups

Take a seat, virtually! Lounge Meetups are a more relaxed way to connect, seek out inspiration, and find collaboration opportunities across a wide range of regions, interests, and groups.


Choose an individual pass or create a team. Please note, for teams of 10+ attendees additional benefits include visibility for your organization at the ICTE 2022 Conference as a supporter.

This event is powered by Globalivo. The Global Citizenship Foundation offers financial aid to educators from the Global South who cannot afford the access pass, on a case-to-case basis. Please reach out to via an email to the ICTE 2022 Secretariat.

Partnership and Alliances

Check out the ICTE 2022 Conference Partnership Packages and Benefits.

Speaker Opportunities

Send an email to the ICTE 2022 Conference Secretariat.


Day 1:

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

11.00 - 11.30 UTC | 30 Minutes

Introduction and Intercultural Performance 🎶

Introduction followed by the Commencement of the Global Citizenship Foundation Anthem and Intercultural Performance.

11.30-11.50 UTC | 20 Minutes

Welcome Note 🙏

by Aaryan Salman

Welcome note by the President of the Global Citizenship Foundation and ICTE2022 Conference Director

11.50 - 12.30 UTC | 40 Minutes

State of Education Address

by Dr. Ashok K Pandey and David Adams

12.30 - 12.45 UTC | 15 Minutes

New Book Launch

Authored by Dr. Linyuan Guo-Brennan

12.45 - 13.45 UTC | 60 Minutes

Defining Systemic Social and Emotional Learning

by Dr. Aaliyah A. Samuel

The fundamental principles of social and emotional learning (SEL) are essential to education in all parts of the world.  That is why today's social SEL is a global priority. Join our keynote session to learn more about what SEL is, what is looks like in schools and communities, and how we can best prepare our young people for the future.

13.45 - 14.30 UTC | 45 Minutes

Pre-Networking 🤝

1-on-1 Networking with participants from around the world at the ICTE Speed Networking space.

Day 2:

Thursday, May 19, 2022

07.30 - 08.00 UTC | 30 minutes

Lounge Meetup 🛋

Meet and network with participants from around the world at the ICTE Lounge area.

Global Citizenship Education

08.00 - 08.30 UTC | 30 minutes

‘Education for Homeland Earth’.  A Plea for Global and Planetary Citizenship

by Prof. Werner Wintersteiner

The war in Ukraine, as well as the wars in other parts of the world, the climate catastrophe, and the Covid-19 pandemic, are all manifestations of a global poly-crisis that requires global answers. However, what lacks is the conscience of our common human fate and of the necessity of global solidarity. Thus, this catalytic keynote session raises how the need for global citizenship education is more urgent than ever.

Social and Emotional Learning

08.00 - 08.30 UTC | 30 minutes

The Transformative Power of Instruction that Supports Both Mathematical Learning and SEL

by Sara Gartland

In this research poster presentation, discover how equity within instruction that supports mathematical learning (ML) and social-emotional learning (SEL) creates opportunities for healing and joy — influencing the levels of trust, vulnerability, and agency.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

08.00 - 08.30 UTC | 30 minutes

Transforming Pedagogies

by Dr. N. Mythili

Pedagogical leadership of principals is designed to transform school principals into pedagogical leaders to transform schools so that all students learn. This handbook was prepared and implemented for all CBSE schools in India and abroad. Rhe central theme of this book will be presented in this catalytic keynote session.

Global Citizenship Education

08.30 - 09.30 UTC | 60 minutes

The Learning Self

by Dr. Alok Bajpai

This learning session will focus on the transformative capability of the brain in optimizing thought and emotions.

Social and Emotional Learning

08.30 - 09.30 UTC | 60 minutes

Reshaping Relational Space: Key Issues for Developing Social and Emotional Education

by Prof. Paul Downes

This learning session brings wider focus is needed on background systems of relational space to support meaningful social and emotional education that engages with the voices and life experiences of students. Social and emotional education is key to issues of inclusion, violence prevention, peace education and mental health and wellbeing in school for young people across the world - and to expand students' circles of identification to embrace diversity.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

08.30 - 09.30 UTC | 60 minutes

The Impact on Pedagogy of Using Technologies for Learning

by Dr. David Parsons

This learning session explores the impact created by the interaction between pedagogy and technology. Does technology change the requirements for pedagogy? Explore how technology mediates learning theories and required skills to develop new pedagogies.

Global Citizenship Education

09.30 - 10.30 UTC | 60 minutes

Advocacy on SDG 4.7.

by Rilli Lappalainen

This learning session explores the impact created by the interaction between different actors to build a common advocacy strategy to get SDG 4.7. taking into account in governments and institutions' agendas.

Social and Emotional Learning

09.30 - 10.30 UTC | 60 minutes

SEL for Schools: A necessity for student and teacher well-being

by Renuka Rautela

Increasing research shows that teachers equipped with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)  positively impacts teacher wellbeing, subsequently translating into an improved classroom climate. This learning session will explore how SEL is the solution to strengthening overall school well-being.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

09.30 - 10.30 UTC | 60 minutes

From Web3 to Ed3 - The Future of Decentralized Education

by Scott Meyer

The emergence of blockchain technology in Web3 unlocks new models of education that will increase affordability, improve access, and reinvent accreditation. In this new era of "Ed3," learners own their education - validating their knowledge with decentralized technology, which we will explore in this learning session.

10.45 - 11.15 UTC | 30 minutes

Lounge Meetup 🛋

Meet and network with participants from around the world at the ICTE Lounge area.

11.15 - 12.30 UTC | 75 minutes

Panel Discussion: Reimagining Digital Learning Spaces Beyond the Pandemic

Panelists: Dr. Amrita Vohra, Dr. Arif Hidayat, Kofi Asare

Moderator: Serj Hunt

Global Citizenship Education

12.30-13.00 UTC | 30 minutes

Ethical global citizenship education: A five-dimensional framework

by Dr. Emiliano Bosio

Ethical GCE will be discussed in this breakout session as a five-dimensional framework: values creation, identity progression, collective involvement, glocal disposition, and intergenerational mindset.

Social and Emotional Learning

12.30-13.00 UTC | 30 minutes

SEL: Moving Beyond the Buzzword

by Kevin Leichtman

SEL as a buzzword often gets boiled down to relationships and caring for students. While empathy and compassion are vital components, authentic SEL work requires much more. This catalytic keynote session will break down the elements of SEL and explain how those elements function in a school setting.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

12.30-13.00 UTC | 30 minutes

Transforming Online Education using Universal Design for Learning

by Sacha Cartegena

This breakout session will describe how this framework was used to enhance an online module for preservice teachers, the results of this study, and share how practitioners at all levels can use UDL to enhance online education.

13.00 - 13.30 UTC | 30 minutes

Speed Networking 🤝

1-on-1 Networking with participants from around the world at the ICTE Speed Networking space.

Global Citizenship Education

13.30 - 15.15 UTC | 105 minutes

Learning Session on Global Citizenship Education

by Sam Loni

Social and Emotional Learning

13.30 - 15.15 UTC | 105 minutes

Global Citizenship and SEL - The Case for a Holistic Education

by David Adams

This learning session will highlight the role of social-emotional skills in achieving this vision and the role all schools must play in facilitating this social and emotional learning.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

13.30 - 15.15 UTC | 105 minutes

The Path to High Impact Professional Learning

by Melissa Emler

Educators are learners first! Let's examine in this learning session the path to high-impact professional learning and explore the importance of educator agency.

15.00 - 15.30 UTC | 30 minutes

Speed Networking 🤝

1-on-1 Networking with participants from around the world at the ICTE Speed Networking space.

Day 3:

Friday, May 20, 2022

Global Citizenship Education

07.30 - 08.30 UTC | 60 minutes

Teaspoons of Change & the Global Goals

by d'Arcy Lunn

How we can make the SDGs and Global Citizenship Education personal and practical within and beyond the classroom! This learning session will explore concepts, ideas, tools and practical action to enhance active and effective global citizenship.

Social and Emotional Learning

07.30 - 08.30 UTC | 60 minutes

SEL for Transformative Education

by Maya Menon

This interactive learning session will unpack what Transformative Education could mean for the teacher as well as students using the inclusive lens of social-emotional learning. It will demonstrate ways in which The Teacher Foundation's age-banded ISELF could serve as the springboard for transforming education in India.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

07.30 - 08.30 UTC | 60 minutes

Cultivating Global Citizens through Dialogue

by Shruti Sharma

In this interactive learning session, you will learn about the power of dialogue in equipping young people with the skills needed to be active and open-minded global citizens. And the skills of dialogue (critical thinking, active listening, global communication, reflection, and questioning) and ways to apply these skills with the young people they work with.

Global Citizenship Education

08.30 - 09.30 UTC | 60 minutes

Developing a Whole School Approach to Global Competence

by Ms. Lottie Dowling

This learning session explores the Meg Languages' globally competent schools framework, providing 30+ concrete approaches that educational leaders can select to develop a unique school action plan for Global Competence.

Social and Emotional Learning

08.30 - 09.30 UTC | 60 minutes

The Missing Third Dimension in Early Childhood Development

by Leslee Udwin

This learning session will give an overview of the science, the pedagogies and theories of change, and the specific tools which Think Equal provides to Early Years classrooms.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

08.30 - 09.30 UTC | 60 minutes

A Transformative Vision for Education

by Bobbi Macdonald

What would it take for every learner to be loved, honored, and supported?  What kind of living system would we need to support an equitable, community-based, learner-centered ecosystem? In this learning session we will explore and imagine together the underlying principals of a living system that serves every child, builds community by design, and is biased toward thriving.

Global Citizenship Education

09.45 - 10.15 UTC | 30 minutes

Praxis and Challenges of Global Citizenship Education for Children: A Case of a “Happy School” in Japan

by Alesse Freitas Nunes

This breakout session presents the case of an interesting Japanese "happy school" that allowed me to teach peace, SDGs, and global citizenship to students between 2 and 15 years old. Theoretically, Alesse will connect this experience with the masters and doctoral lessons learned in Japan.

Social and Emotional Learning

09.45 - 10.15 UTC | 30 minutes

Social and Emotional Learning: the ASPIRE principles for effective implementation

by Dr. Sue Roffey

SEL is critical for the healthy development of individuals and the world they create. But it is not just what you teach but how. This catalytic keynote session details the ASPIRE principles for effectiveness. ASPIRE stands for Agency, Safety, Positivity, Inclusion, Respect, and Equity.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

09.45 - 10.15 UTC | 30 minutes

How to beat the overwhelm and improve retention

by Dominic Zijlstra

This breakout session will cover techniques from learning sciences that educators and students can use to learn effectively in an age of information overload as well as mental models to see the big picture and remember what you learn.

10.15 - 11.30 UTC| 75 minutes

Panel: Overcoming Barriers to Effective Implementation of Global Citizenship Education

Panelists: Dr. Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Dr. Russell G. Carpenter, Dr. Vlad Petre Glăveanu

Moderator: Dr. Anatoly Oleksiyenko

Global Citizenship Education

11.30 - 12.30 UTC | 60 minutes

The Global Education Guidebook: Humanizing K-12 Classrooms Worldwide through Equitable Partnerships

by Jennifer Klein

This book reading session will explore the ideas and resources presented in Jennifer's first book, The Global Education Guidebook. In particular, the session will explore the importance of building equitable, humanizing relationships with global and local partners, so that students learn from and with the world rather than developing a savior mindset.

Social and Emotional Learning

11.30 - 12.30 UTC | 60 minutes

Better Together: Six Essential Conversations for Cultivating Adult SEL and Relational Trust in Your School

by Ms. Jo Salazar

This author-led session explores the ideas from the book "Better Together." The book engages school staff in a group discussion series for teams to grow their social and emotional skills, build trust with their colleagues, and collaborate more effectively.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

11.30 - 12.30 UTC | 60 minutes

Redefining Student Success: Book Talk

by Suzie Boss

In this book reading session, hear how schools are embracing bolder visions that promote the role of students as creative problem solvers.

Global Citizenship Education

12.30 - 13.00 UTC | 30 minutes

Global Citizenship Education: Challenges and Opportunities

by Dr. Namrata Sharma

This catalytic keynote session engages participants with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.7, which seeks to foster global citizens by 2030. It aims to introduce what global citizenship is and what it means to be part of a global community; explore some approaches to teaching and pedagogy, including from less widely known perspectives; and make connections between education for sustainable development and global citizenship.

Social and Emotional Learning

12.30 - 13.00 UTC | 30 minutes

How we use play to promote SEL and form better global citizens

by Dina Buchbinder

This breakout session explores on how we can improve educational systems via "play, inquiry and project-based learning models" with a strong focus on the development of socio-emotional skills. Our beneficiaries go through a learning process where they find themselves more conscious of their respective feelings and in turn, understand their responsibilities as global citizens.

Transformative Pedagogies and Technologies

12.30 - 13.00 UTC | 30 minutes

NFTs, Metaverse, & Cryptocurrency... How Will They impact Education?

by Vriti Saraf

There's a digital revolution taking place across finance, technology, and other industries, called web3. The question for us as educators is: Will these new concepts help education or hurt it? This catalytic keynote session will explain some of these concepts, how they might impact education, their pros and cons, and how educators can be empowered to lead the change they wish to see, using web3.

13.00-13.30 UTC | 30 minutes

Lounge Meetup 🛋

Meet and network with participants from around the world at the ICTE Lounge area.

13.30 - 14.00 UTC | 30 minutes

Global Debate 💬: Education for global citizenship (GCED) is an abstract concept.

Panelists: Heather Singmaster, Libby Giles, Dr. Linyuan Guo-Brennan

Moderator: Prof. Maria Guajardo

14.30 - 15.00 UTC | 30 minutes

Concluding Remarks 🙏

15.00 - 15.30 UTC | 30 minutes

Speed Networking 🤝

1-on-1 Networking with participants from around the world at the ICTE Speed Networking space.

Featured Speakers

Event Logo Glyph
Aaryan Salman
Global Citizenship Foundation
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Ashok K Pandey
Ahlcon Group of Schools
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
David Adams
Chief Executive Officer
The Urban Assembly
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Maria Guajardo
Soka University
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Prof. Alok Bajpai
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Prof. Dr. Paul Downes
Dublin City University
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Rilli Lappalainen
Founder and Chair
Bridge47 Network
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Maya Menon
Founder Director
The Teacher Foundation
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Heather Singmaster
Digital Promise
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Amrita Vohra
Director (Education)
GEMS Education
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Serj Hunt
Learning Experience Designer
United Kingdom
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Kofi Asare
Executive Director
Africa Education Watch
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Kevin Leichtman
Educational Consultant
Team Leichtman Consulting
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Shruti Sharma
Partnerships, Marketing and Communications Lead
Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Lottie Dowling
Executive Director for Educational Content
Culture Agents
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Namrata Sharma
Adjunct Professor
State University of New York
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Bobbi Macdonald
Senior Partner
Education Reimagined
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Prof. Amani G. Jarrar
Philadelphia University
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Linyuan Guo-Brennan
Associate Professor
University of Prince Edward Island
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dina Buchbinder
Founder and President
Education for Sharing
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr Prof Emiliano Bosio
Associate Professor
Toyo University
View Profile

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Steering Committee

Event Logo Glyph
Aaryan Salman
Global Citizenship Foundation
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Ashok K Pandey
Ahlcon Group of Schools
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
David Adams
Chief Executive Officer
The Urban Assembly
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Norris M Haynes
Southern Connecticut State University
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Heather Singmaster
Digital Promise
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Amrita Vohra
Director (Education)
GEMS Education
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Serj Hunt
Learning Experience Designer
United Kingdom
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Prof. Alok Bajpai
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Prof. Dr. Paul Downes
Dublin City University
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr Prof Emiliano Bosio
Associate Professor
Toyo University
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Kuvam Mehta
Vice President
Global Citizenship Foundation
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Maya Menon
Founder Director
The Teacher Foundation
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Jennifer Manise
Executive Director
Longview Foundation
United States
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dina Buchbinder
Founder and President
Education for Sharing
United States
View Profile
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Vijay Ghei
Visiting Professor
Hult International Business School
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Yukiko Shimmi
Senior Assistant Professor
Tohoku University
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Kofi Asare
Executive Director
Africa Education Watch
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Maria Guajardo
Soka University
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Dr. Linyuan Guo-Brennan
Associate Professor
University of Prince Edward Island
View Profile
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Deepti Singh
Soka University
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Rilli Lappalainen
Founder and Chair
Bridge47 Network
View Profile
Event Logo Glyph
Lottie Dowling
Executive Director for Educational Content
Culture Agents
View Profile

Conference Partners

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